SoundWÿvern Combination
The Grand Upright Steinwaÿ
Propellerhead Reason 4.0 ReFill Reason Pianos 850MB Ram > >
Commission - Private use
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A piano with the same quality as a grand Steinway but adding an upright's warmth : The Grand Upright Steinwaÿ - First finalised combinator. After many weeks of working on this instrument-patch, exploiting the sound banks of three different pianos (Steinway D Grand, Steinway K Upright, Yamaha C7 Grand), I could developed a personalised piano taking back the D Grand's clearness, the K Upright's roundness and the Yamaha's pinch.
This combinator recreates at best the internal environment of an upright piano, regrouping strings' reverb, louder when the sustain pedal is pressed, but also adjusts the hammers' sound and adds the keys and pedals' noises. Moreover, when the sustain pedal is slowly released, we can hear a slow distortion of the strings.
Using the various buttons and rotaries, these settings can be applied automatically to the play or the song's export.
Here is a screenshot of the entire combination :
'●'(Presence) Ajust the piano's presence, allowing to vary the noises and the sound's clearness.
'●'[Charming Age] > (o) Adds to the Steinway D Grand piano the K Upright to warm its expression.
'●'(Mute Pedal) Filters the keys' hit sound, simulating when the softing pedal is pressed.
'●'(Sustain Pedal Release) Recreate the changing sound when the sustain pedal is slowly released.
'●'[Jazzy Clearness] Adds the Yamaha C7 sounds for a clearer hit, giving a Jazzy side to the piano.
'●'[Realism Noises] Adds various upright piano's noises, like the pedals' sounds or the hammers' release effect. Also applies an internal reverb, simulating strings' vibrations even not in use.
'●'[Spacing Reverb] Applies a direct reverb to the piano to give a distance effect, like during a concert recording.
'●'{Wheel} Decreases the hammers' noises, when we play softly.
Example of equalization for each NN-XT :
- Substractive EQ. : Breath noise filter.
- Additive EQ. : General frequencies' modification of the NN-XT.